
I've had a facebook account for a long time. Although my first impression of it sucked, and so the total time I spent^Wwasted with it was fairly limited. I mean, who wants to do the equivalent of go out to the street and yell "I want friends!", only online?

I just got an email today that caught my attention though. It's a facebook request. Someone wants to be my friend! Great!

To: Ka-Hing Cheung

Subject: Kh Cheung has added you as a friend on Facebook...

Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 20:46:16 -0800

Mailer: ZuckMail [version 1.00]

Kh Cheung has requested to add you as a friend. Before we can do that, you must confirm that you are in fact friends with Kh.

To confirm this request, copy and paste this link into your browser: http://berkeley.facebook.com/confirminvite.php

Thanks, The Facebook Team

Want to have Facebook alerts sent to your phone? Activate Facebook Mobile:


Ehh, I am not that desperate for friends that I want to count myself as one. Just to fulfill my curiosity, I signed on to facebook the first time this year.

Of course, I had to reset my password first. That's simply useless info.

Other than the mysterious KH Cheung, 4 other people want to be my friend! Except I have no idea who Paul Janczyk is. Sorry Paul, if I really do know you.

I accepted all of them as my friends. Including this random person who happens to have the same last name and initial as mine.

There's this "Favorite Quotes" thing that facebook allows you to set. I just realized that I had it set to "Fuck Facebook". Hmm.

That was really a waste of time.

by khc on Sat Dec 2 18:56:36 2006 Permlink
Tags: weirdstuff

Team Orange

Who are we ?

Team Orange is a bunch of Riverbed folk committed to camaraderie through humiliation.

The idea started with John and Viv, meeting in a coffee shop and coming up with a great idea, that would revolutionize the world.

Well we are kidding!!! It actually started with an agreement with the 2 that if Riverbed stock ever hit 50 they would dye their hair in Riverbed colors (i.e. orange)

What do I need to do to be part of Team Orange?

Its very simple really,

  • Be a Riverbed employee
  • Crazy enough to dye your hair orange
  • Have people stare at you ?
  • Sign up at the bottom of this page

What will determine if Team Orange will dye their hair orange?

The simple rules are:

  • RVBD should close trading on a given day at $50 after the option lockout period ends, the price merely hitting $50 is not adequate
  • If the stock splits or reverse splits then the price will be adjusted accordingly
  • There is a misconception that it must hit $50 within a month of the lockout period ending, or else the challenge will be void. However Viv, pointed out this is complete baloney!!!

Hair Coloring rules

  • The color MUST be bright orange
  • Men MUST color their entire head hair (no streaking or partials), regardless of the length of their hair
  • An exception is being for the women participants with long head hair. Hair is defined as long when it reaches the shoulders or beyond. Otherwise it is short. Women with long head hair are allowed to streak their hair orange (100-200 long strands on each side [total 2]) instead of a complete re-color. Women with short hair are subject to the same rule as men.
  • The period for which the hair must remain dyed is ONE month. If the hair color fades below a RVBD respectable level, a re-dye is REQUIRED.
by khc on Thu Nov 30 18:29:24 2006 Permlink




今天百無聊賴,去看看一位不太算朋友的朋友的Xanga。這位朋友用了Xanga Lock,就是說其他人需要先登錄才能進去看該網誌。之前幾次在不得其門而入後便放棄了,今天不知道為甚麽,去了BugMeNot找了一個login,消磨了好幾分鐘。


by khc on Mon Nov 13 23:56:59 2006 Permlink
Tags: chinese

My Credit Card Disappeared (2)

So after a week of not hearing back anything, I sent them another rant message and demanded a real human being to answer. They sent back the same reply as last time, and also another message:

We are currently experiencing higher than normal email volume. We are working diligently to reply to your inquiry as soon as possible. As a valued customer, we appreciate your patience and the opportunity to service your banking needs.

* Please do not reply to this message as this mailbox is not monitored *

Maybe if you fix my problem then all those complain hate mails will stop.

In the mean time though, their Bill Pay system still works wonderfully, and was quick to notify me (via email too! I checked the checkbox to receive all customer service responses via email and I never got any of them) that I have a $584.60 bill that I need to pay.

Guess they got their priorities right...

by khc on Wed Nov 8 19:30:03 2006 Permlink
Tags: rant

My Credit Card Disappeared

... from Bank of America's online banking site. Here's the reply I got from them:

Dear Ka-Hing H. Cheung,

Thank you for your inquiry dated 10/31/06 regarding accessing your
credit card through Online Banking. Your concerns are very important to
us. We appreciate the opportunity to service your banking needs.

Customer accessibility to our Online Banking service is one of our top

We apologize for the difficulties you have experienced with our online
banking service and we understand your frustration. We are currently
working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. We have
escalated this problem and we expect to have a resolution shortly.

We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter. If
we may be of further assistance, please contact us again by e-mail.
Thank you for choosing Bank of America.


G. Steven
Bank of America

Did you know? You can pay all your bills in minutes with Online Banking
with free, unlimited Bill Pay. Sign in to Online Banking and click on
the Bill Pay and e-Bills tab to get started paying bills today.

Yeah, as if I am going to pay my bills if I can't even see the card, right?

Oh, for the record, my name is not Ka-Hing H. Cheung.

by khc on Wed Nov 1 20:58:37 2006 Permlink
Tags: rant
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