How will I be voting this Tuesday


Prop 1, Housing Programs and Veterans' Loans Bond - Yes

Affordable housing is a regional problem that should be solved at a level higher than a city, so when a state is trying to do something about it I have to be for it.

Prop 2, Use Millionaire's Tax Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Housing Bonds Measure - Yes

The legislature already voted for it, I generally dislike citizen propositions but this is not one of them

Prop 3, Water Infrastructure and Watershed Conservation Bond Initiative - No

A little torn on this one. Water is important but my general distaste of citizen propositions won out. Also, much of the funding is for long term maintenance which is something we should budget for, and not something that we should periodically borrow money (and pay interest) for.

Prop 4, Children's Hospital Bonds Initiative - No

Similar to Prop 3. Also, 72% of the money is for private (even though non-profit) hospitals. They should figure out how to plan for their own finances.

Prop 5, Property Tax Transfer Initiative - No

Prop 13 created this problem and this is the wrong solution

Prop 6, Voter Approval for Future Gas and Vehicle Taxes and 2017 Tax Repeal Initiative - No

Again I generally believe in representative democracy. The legislature voted for the tax already. Plus taxing drivers for their use of the roads is generally a good thing.

Prop 7, Permanent Daylight Saving Time Measure - Yes

Doesn't actually get rid of the need to change the clocks twice a year, but a step towards it. Also, already passed by the state legislature.

Prop 8, Limits on Dialysis Clinics' Revenue and Required Refunds Initiative - Yes

Generally dislike citizen propositions and limiting free markets, but there does seem to be a market failure in dialysis services

Prop 10, Local Rent Control Initiative - No

I benefit from rent control and I am not low income. Do you want more people like me to benefit from rent control? Probably yes, but this is not the way to solve the housing crisis. Also this is another citizen proposition that repeals something already passed by legislature.

Prop 11, Ambulance Employees Paid On-Call Breaks, Training, and Mental Health Services Initiative - No

Seems like a good idea but why are we voting on it? Voting no as a protest vote.

Prop 12, Farm Animal Confinement Initiative - No

I can certainly afford to pay for organic cage free all natural farm products where the animals have to get 8 hours of sunshine every day, but people should not be forced to pay for that. Also, another citizen proposition.

San Francisco

Board of education (3): Phil Kim, Michelle Parker, Josephine Zhao

Mostly because they called out restoring "advance" math classes (algebra) in middle school, something that the city decided that is too difficut for kids.

Community college board (3): No strong opinion

Prop A, Embarcadero Seawall Improvement Bonds: Yes

The claim that it will not increase property tax seems like a lie, but unanimous vote by SF supervisors.

Prop B, Personal Information Protection Policy Charter Amendment: Yes

Unanimous vote by SF supervisors

Prop C, Gross Receipts Tax for Homelessness Services: No

Only up to 15% for homelessness prevention. Homelessness is a regional problem and should not be solved by a city alone. We already spend almost $300M a year on homelessness and it's not clear what doubling down on that would do.

Prop D, Marijuana Business Tax Increase: No

Why are we lumping non-local business tax with a tax on marijuana? Taxing marijuana makes sense but requiring businesses that are not in SF to pay SF tax (other than sales tax) doesn't.

Prop E, Partial Allocation of Hotel Tax for Arts and Culture: No

Unanimous vote by SF supervisors, but they can already set the budget to fund arts and culture and choose not to do so. Fixed budget for non-essential services is a bad idea.

by khc on Sun Nov 4 17:08:31 2018 Permlink