


如果大家細個時有做過玩過以下既野, 就join 啦! 呢d先叫童真!


08: 食完瑞士糖之後, 將糖紙包番個原本四四方方果個形

14: 整濕d紙巾,掟上學校廁所天花頂

49: 沖廁:屙尿時出力射走屎

62: 筆跡足球: 雙方各用筆畫點在紙上....把筆放在點上再用食指放在筆頂...用力的壓....如此類推...墮著筆跡...看誰較快入對方的洞

64: 奇多圈: 唔需要多講...大家都應該知係咩~ 特別係男仔

93:「Pilot原子筆」陀螺: 玩法係將個銀色筆咀擰出黎,然後cup番入去,再借用手指力轉佢落檯,同其他同學仔鬥耐。想當年,大家真係上緊堂都偷偷地玩架!

97: 何濟公: 捉人隻鬼跑到埋身「何」左做無事,又可以「自解」、「碰解」、「遙距解」...好鬼茅


Sing Sing 同樂會大召集之我們是這樣長大的 四月四, 返老還童預埋你

"This event has 210 confirmed guests"!!!

by khc on Mon Mar 30 21:13:29 2009 Permlink

Picture of me from elsewhere

I haven't had a picture taken in quite a while, and Ryan finally posted this picture that he took of me from a couple weeks ago. I thought he was taking a picture of the food, so I just looked down at the table waiting for him. Well, that didn't make the best picture ever:

me looking down

I will neither confirm nor deny that I am more stylish than before.

by khc on Wed Nov 28 20:25:24 2007 Permlink
Tags: weirdstuff

Mini reunion?

Well, maybe not quite a mini reunion.

As usual, we went out for dinner for Father's Day last night. As usual, we went to the same restaurant that we've always been going to. As usual… well, not quite usual, someone sitting at the next table waved to me.

It was Patrick, who went to the same high school with me and who I've not seen in the last 5 years. I probably wouldn't have recognized him had he not made the gesture first. I think I acted like he's a total stranger just because I was so shocked to see him there.

Oh and it didn't stop there.

After we exchanged some of our current events, I turned my sight away from him, and there, a couple tables behind Patrick (from my point of view), sat Sydney.

Another MHS'er, except I actually recognized her because she also went to Berkeley. I hesitated for a little and then got up and chatted with her a little.

Funny how both of them seemed less shocked about the whole thing than I was. Maybe it's because I've never met anyone I knew at that restaurant.

Oh and I just killed an inch long spider.

And I am going to tag this weirdstuff just because.

by khc on Mon Jun 18 07:36:51 2007 Permlink
Tags: weirdstuff



by khc on Sun Dec 10 22:33:46 2006 Permlink


I've had a facebook account for a long time. Although my first impression of it sucked, and so the total time I spent^Wwasted with it was fairly limited. I mean, who wants to do the equivalent of go out to the street and yell "I want friends!", only online?

I just got an email today that caught my attention though. It's a facebook request. Someone wants to be my friend! Great!

To: Ka-Hing Cheung

Subject: Kh Cheung has added you as a friend on Facebook...

Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 20:46:16 -0800

Mailer: ZuckMail [version 1.00]

Kh Cheung has requested to add you as a friend. Before we can do that, you must confirm that you are in fact friends with Kh.

To confirm this request, copy and paste this link into your browser: http://berkeley.facebook.com/confirminvite.php

Thanks, The Facebook Team

Want to have Facebook alerts sent to your phone? Activate Facebook Mobile:


Ehh, I am not that desperate for friends that I want to count myself as one. Just to fulfill my curiosity, I signed on to facebook the first time this year.

Of course, I had to reset my password first. That's simply useless info.

Other than the mysterious KH Cheung, 4 other people want to be my friend! Except I have no idea who Paul Janczyk is. Sorry Paul, if I really do know you.

I accepted all of them as my friends. Including this random person who happens to have the same last name and initial as mine.

There's this "Favorite Quotes" thing that facebook allows you to set. I just realized that I had it set to "Fuck Facebook". Hmm.

That was really a waste of time.

by khc on Sat Dec 2 18:56:36 2006 Permlink
Tags: weirdstuff
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