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Activities Elsewhere
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> to reality... > > (Before I forget, pictures are [here](http://hxbc.us/album/+name/2009/).) > > London was great. It was a bit cold, and the heaviest snowfall since 1991 didn't help. Good that it didn't start snowing until Sunday evening though, so I got most of my sightseeing stuff done. Mostly went to the touristy places in the city (Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge, etc) and a couple museums (National Gallery Museum, Science Museum, British Museum). Also spent a disproportional amount of time on Trafalgar Square to people watch, and secretly hoping that someone will ask me to take a picture for them (so I can ask them to take a picture for me too!). Come to think of it, I probably also spent quite some time to wander around in Chinatown too. > > I did learn a couple things about London while I was there. The snow pretty much made most public transportations useless. No buses on the road at all that day, and some train lines stopped. Many places closed down either because they anticipated few customers, or because their employees couldn't get to work. People say "cheers" a lot. Oh, and in Bonds movies people would say "after you" when they open doors for others, and it's quite funny to hear that in person, I guess because here people usually just say "go ahead" or say nothing at all. > > Overall it was awesome, in an almost idealistic way. Partly because it's a work trip and I didn't spend all the time going around so it felt like real life instead of just a vacation. The fact that I lived this "real life" in a hotel and everything was paid for just made everything more enjoyable. Everyday I came back "home" everything was back to where it's supposed to be, bed was tidy and the room was clean. When we were hungry we just went on yelp to find the highest rated restaurant around the area to satisfy whatever we were craving for. Of course this is only possible because everything was paid for, as much as I try not to think about money in everyday life (I live with my parents so I have few expenses) it is a real factor. Oh and no one spoke around my ears at night or told me to do this do that... which unfortunately is one of the "reality" that I was referencing at the beginning of the post. Ah story for another time, maybe.