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天生一年又一年,三四五六七八年… 哦錯了,我不是在題詩



工作與遊戲之間當然就是寓工作於遊戲了。因工作關係去了瑞士幾天,也順道玩了幾天,大部份的照片都可以在這裏看到。公費旅行最高興的莫過於公費,但瑞士本身也非常美麗,有機會的話自費也會再去一次。2011年出差的次數沒有2010年的多,但2010年是太多太頻密了。2011年去了的還有Seattle和Chicago,Seattle 2010年已經去過兩次了,Chicago是第一次,但可惜來去怱怱的,也沒有看到些甚麽。





by khc on Sun Jan 1 23:26:52 2012 Permlink
Tags: chinese

Dear tan kah ing

Dear tan kah ing,

Your email address probably isn't the same as mine, so please don't create an Apple ID with my email address. You can reset your password all you want, but you won't be able to verify that you own my email address, because you really don't own it.


PS: I've reset my password and changed my security questions, as well as updated your address in Singapore to "None of your business". Oh, and I wasn't born in 1962.

PS again: Dear Apple, my middle name is not kah, that's someone else. Please let me change it, thanks!

by khc on Fri Nov 25 11:51:50 2011 Permlink
Tags: weirdstuff

The Answers We Already Knew

Back in the days when I was actively participating in all things pidgin, two of the frequently requested features were the the ability to find out if the other person has received your instant message (and say, not caught by some spam filter), and the ability to find out if a person has blocked you. While that is actually possible (to some extent) in some protocols, the standard answer we always gave was: yes, she (almost always, the person who asked for this kinds of features was a guy and the other person was a female) received your message and chose not to respond, and yes, if you don't see her online, she probably blocked you.

Of course, merely working on an instant message client did not give us special insights into relationship dynamics, and we were never really sure if the answers we gave were always the correct ones. I've just figured that people who asked those questions already knew the answers, and they just needed someone else to break it to them.

Fast forward many years. I have moved on and officially retired myself from pidgin. Recently I contacted an old acquaintance (over a medium which, sadly, does not support the aforementioned features) and, perhaps unsurprisingly, found myself wondering about those same questions as well. This morning, while lying in bed, I remembered the standard answer that we always gave out. So here I am, breaking it to myself, yes, the message probably was not caught by a spam filter, and yes, it probably went through.

by khc on Thu Nov 17 22:10:37 2011 Permlink


Sometimes well intended optimizations can get in the way, and this is one of them.

In general, when a file is read from or written to, the operating system keeps the data around in case it's needed again. This is in general a good idea, except when it's not. Sometimes you know that after you won't need the cached data again any time soon, and it's better for the operating system to forget about it instead of letting the cache balloon and push out more useful, albeit less recently used data. For example, when performing a backup a large amount of data is read from the disk and then written out to (typically) another media. It's unlikely that much of the just backed up data is going to be needed again, at least until the next backup window. Unfortunately on Linux the interface to control this is fairly limited. One can write a LD_PRELOAD library to tell Linux to uncache files that are just closed:

#if 0
gcc $0 -shared -o $ -ldl -fPIC && LD_PRELOAD=$ exec $@
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int close(int fd)
    static int (*close_func)(int) = NULL;
    posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);
    if (close_func == NULL)
        close_func = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "close");

    return close_func(fd);

posix_fadvise(3) says the following about POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED:

POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED attempts to free cached pages associated with the specified region. This is useful, for example, while streaming large files. A program may periodically request the kernel to free cached data that has already been used, so that more useful cached pages are not discarded instead.

Additionally, a length of 0 indicates that the advice applies until the end of file. This is insufficient however. If the program exits without closing its files then they will never be uncached. And when streaming large files they also won't be uncached until after the cache is already polluted. Those issues can be fixed by wrapping read, write, pread, pwrite and related functions, or by directly modifying the program when it's possible to do so. Still, the interface is unsatisfactory. For example, if a file was already cached before it's backed up, you don't want the backup process to uncache it. There's also no good way to use posix_fadvise to uncache write data, given what the manpage says:

Pages that have not yet been written out will be unaffected, so if the application wishes to guarantee that pages will be released, it should call fsync(2) or fdatasync(2) first.

Calling fsync(2) or fdatasync(2) while doing large streaming writes is simply unacceptable. Instead, it would be much better if the advice can be given at file open time and it would last for the duration of the file descriptor. The kernel can then take the hint and not cache accesses made through that file descriptor. O_DIRECT can achieve this, but sometimes you don't want the extra semantics and requirements that it brings.

by khc on Tue Nov 8 00:41:41 2011 Permlink
Tags: computer


小時候喜歡看阿濃,也看報章專欄,如「百變星信箱」,「大玩派」等等。偶而看到喜歡的,還會把它們剪下來。移民來美國的時候,捨不得把那些剪報扔掉,便讓它們都跟我一起坐飛機來到太平洋的另一邊。在這邊中文無用,在一心想學好英文下中文也就荒癈了,後來一次整理舊東西時看到那些發黃的剪報,把它們從頭到尾看了一片 — 就像分手前的吻別 — 便再也不見。




我不是The Brain,我不一定要每一天都要征服世界,只要有一天能夠就可以了。

僅以此獻給所有失意 — 不能一步登天 — 的人。

by khc on Sat Nov 5 10:18:59 2011 Permlink
Tags: chinese
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