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其中一個沒有動手的原因就是根本沒甚麽可寫。除了年廿八和親戚們吃了晚飯,還有年初一和他們午茶外,基本上就沒做甚麽。在Chinatown的街上走根本看不出有哪點像新年,更不用說我住這邊了。在美國過新年有點像吃飯上廁所,更像在一群人中放屁 — 不太期望它的來臨,但當它來時卻又有點渴望那放了之後的舒暢。雖然不得不承認心中有點期待看到那些每年只見一次的面孔,但坐在一旁的我永遠不知道該說些甚麽 — 就像高中那次不小心在班上放屁被發現一樣。



by khc on Tue Mar 20 14:41:16 2007 Permlink
Tags: chinese

Crab Feast

Way too much crab.

crab feast

by khc on Sun Feb 25 13:35:53 2007 Permlink

Wisdom teeth

So I found out last weekend that both of my wisdom teeth at my lower jaws are growing sideway, pushing my first (last?) molar teeth inward. That has probably been going on for a while, but I didn't realize what was happening until pain hit my lower left jaw Saturday night.

Went to see a dentist this afternoon. From the X-ray it looks like my upper-left wisdom tooth is also growing sideway, and my upper-right wisdom tooth is the only good one. But since a single tooth isn't really useful, the dentist recommended that I remove all four of them. The surgery is scheduled on 3/2, apparently Fridays are too popular.

I feel like I've signed away my life when I signed that little notice about possible complications that can arise from the surgery.

by khc on Thu Feb 8 00:17:55 2007 Permlink

"Recommended" Firefox Add-ons

How come many of them sound so much like placed advertisements, instead of recommendations?

by khc on Mon Jan 8 23:40:10 2007 Permlink


這一年沒甚麽目標,是一個catch up year。希望把買了的書都看完,把開始了的事情都做完,僅此而已。


by khc on Mon Jan 1 23:43:50 2007 Permlink
Tags: chinese
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