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Activities Elsewhere
> I don't always give speeches, but when I do, I tell people to give up their money. I went to a toastmaster group recently and below is my first speech, which is supposed to be a 2 minutes pitch. In case you are wondering, no I don't think I was very convincing. > > Remember the Think Different ad? Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. I don't know if there are any crazy ones here this evening, so I am going to change that up a bit. Here's to the lucky ones. The engineers. The consultants. The self employed. The self unemployed. The people who have nothing better to do on a Wednesday night than listen to a guy trying to convince them that they have too much money in their hands. Yes I am here tonight to convince you to give some of that away. > > You may think I know nothing about you and this crazy guy has no idea what kind of tight budget you are trying to survive under. I am going to tell you, it doesn't matter. The fact that you are sitting here in San Francisco means that you are certainly more well off than most people in the world. You may think "Who cares about other random people? They have done nothing to deserve my help." To which I have to say, ya you are probably right. > > Remember the random person in the morning who opened the door for you, or that lady who pointed you to the right direction when you were lost while traveling. Or maybe it was you who gave the homeless person your leftover or a piece of candy to a kid who looked sad. The fact is, we all derive pleasure from helping other people, even if you have never encountered them before, and will never see them again. Deep down inside, we all want to help, if only we could afford to. Let me tell you this, in many parts of the world there are people who have to survive with less than a dollar a day, and there's no contribution from you that's too tiny to be a big help for them. Thank you.