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> Haven't been posting much here lately. One of the reasons for posting things is to have a medium to share things with others, and Facebook/Google+ are just more efficient platforms for that purpose. I still like to keep this around because this gives me a sense of owning what I posted, but updates will be more infrequent. > > That said, I will just repost my farewell email here: > > As some of you may know already, next Friday (11/16) is going to be my last day at Riverbed. 6.5 years is a long time for anyone to be at any one place. Riverbed has been my first job after college and I was lucky to have a chance t > o work with some of the greatest people here. Special thanks to my teammates who have had to review my code (which they now will have to maintain in my absence), QAs who have had to file bugs against me (which I then promptly closed as WORKSFORME)... and of course my bosses who have had to put up with me and my bad ideas. The list goes on. Riverbed has been a local maxima in an early stage of my career, and I've decided that it's now time to explore other options. It's not you, it's me. > > Writing these emails is never easy, nor is reading them, so I will end this one shortly. Please join me at 21st Amendment next Friday after work (11/16 5:30pm) for drinks, so you can have a final chance to complain to me about everything I've done to you and everything that I haven't. Feel free to forward this to anyone I missed. My personal email is XXX@XXXX and I'd love to stay in touch. Live long and prosper!